Hutchins Library

Blue Line

Bibliographic Instruction Program Evaluation

Blue Line




Please arrive at the site 10 minutes before the session is scheduled to start. Upon arrival, check to be sure chairs are arranged around the table.

Locate tape recorder and tape (in the left-hand bottom drawer of the credenza) and test to see that it is working properly. Volume should be set at "10"; use the built-in mic, NOT the one in the pouch. If it is not operating correctly, call reference desk to have backup recorder delivered to site. Be sure to place the recorder in the center of the table.

Check to see that drinks, cups and napkins are there.

As they arrive, check students' names against session list. (Extra copies of the session list, questionnaires, long questions, course listings, script and pencils are in the drawer behind the tape recorder.) Give each student a questionnaire to complete. Invite them to get a drink if they like. If the group contains two or three students conduct the interview. If only one student is available excuse her or him and do not conduct the session.

Give the group a chance to talk together for a few minutes after all have arrived in order to let them begin to feel comfortable with one another. After about five minutes, if they aren't seated around the table, ask them to do so and then read the following.

"These sessions are being taped in order to gain the fullest information from the comments you make. The tapes will be transcribed and listened to or read only in strict confidentiality. Your comments will be transcribed only as those made by "student 1", "student 2," etc. Again, this information will be used only by those involved in this evaluation in order to study and improve our bibliographic instruction program.

"We will start by having each one of us give our name, where we are from and our area of study."

Now, turn on the tape recorder, identify yourself by giving your name, hometown and area of study and proceed around the table until all have done the same.


The purpose of this survey session is to find out about your use of the library. The interview consists of several questions designed to give you a chance to describe various library experiences you may have had while here at Berea. Please feel free to speak at any point; however, we ask that only one person speak at a time, in order that all comments can be heard. There are no "right" or "wrong" answers to these questions. The goal of this process is simply to gather honest responses from a variety of students in order to evaluate our programs.

You were asked to fill out a questionnaire and review a course listing. You may want to consult some of the information on these in response to various questions. Feel free to do so. Again, there are no "right" or "wrong" answers. Just respond to each question as honestly and clearly as you can.

Take a couple of minutes to look over your class listings and make a few notes about how you used the library in those classes. [allow about 2 minutes for this]

Question 1: In looking over your course listings, how much have you used the library over the years you have been at Berea College?

If no one responds, ask:

Question 2: What is the most rewarding experience you have had in using the library and why ?

If no one responds, ask:

Question 3: What was the most difficult experience you had using the library and why ?

If no one responds, ask:

Question 4: What can you remember about using the library during your Freshman Seminar class?

If no one responds, ask:

Question 5: What have you learned about using the library during your time at Berea ? If no one responds, ask: Think back to your first weeks here at Berea College.

Question 6: What would you like to know more about in using the library ?

If no one responds, ask:

At this point, if one hour has passed, you should offer the participants the chance to take a short break in order to use the restroom, stretch their legs, and/or refresh their drinks. (no more than 5 minutes probably) If you stopped the tape, restart the tape before continuing. (change tapes if necessary now, so that it will be less intrusive)

Question 7: The college states in the catalog that

"The college hopes to develop in its students sound judgements and attitudes, an understanding of the basic human problems of the region and of the world, and a sense of responsibility for their solution; to send them out as mature, active, self-reliant persons, humbly Christian in their attitudes and in their ways of life, and dedicated to the service of their fellow men and women."

Do your experiences with the library have a relation to these goals ? And if so, how ?

That's a long question, so I will give you a copy of the question so you can read it again. Take a few minutes to think about it, then we can discuss it. [allow about a minute for this]

If no one responds, ask:

Question 8: What do you see as the role of Hutchins library in the rest of your education at Berea ?

If no one responds, ask:

Question 9: What changes would you make in the library's bibliographic instruction program ? The term "bibliographic instruction program" simply means the presentations that librarians make to classes in order to help them in their use of the library.

If no one responds, ask:

Question 10: The next question involves group problem solving and discussion. You are given the following research assignment. I will hand out the question and give you a few minutes to think about it, then we'll discuss it.

You are in a course which is one of the College's Cultural Area requirements and it is in a department where you have never taken a course. Your professor wants the class to divide up into groups of three or four students and prepare a class presentation that discusses the similarities and differences between two cultures. The topic is to be focused so that you can talk about specific activities and physical items associated with the activities which can be compared and contrasted between the two cultures.

How would you go about doing the library research for the topic ?

[allow time for students to discuss, don't jump in too soon]

If no one responds, ask:

Question 11: What do you see as the role of any library for you after graduation ?

If no one responds, ask:

Question 12: What would be a good summary of the comments the group has made during the session? What do you feel are the most important points that were made?

If no one responds, ask:

As an additional part of this evaluation, we would like to gather examples of your class papers. We would appreciate it if you could bring or send copies of your papers to us for this purpose. We will photocopy them and return them to you quickly. All confidentiality will be preserved. Please give them to, or send them to Susan Henthorn, CPO LIB.

Thank you for your responses and your time. Your answers will be very helpful in the evaluation process and will give fresh insight into how the library is currently used, what type of library work is expected in various courses, and how we can help to improve some of our library services.


Thank the students for contributing their time and concern to the project and assure them that their responses will become part of the planning process of the library instruction program.

Be sure that cassette tape(s) is(are) labeled with the date, interviewer's name and time of the interview session.

Complete the interviewer response sheet.

Return tape(s), completed questionnaires, individual course listings, and completed response sheets to Susan.

Leave tape recorder in the conference room, in the credenza.


What was the most often mentioned aspect of library use? (freshman seminar, use of serial record, etc.)

What was the most surprising comment that was made?

What needs to be changed/revised before the next session?

Any comments you want to make about the process?

Blue Line

Hutchins Library Bibliographic Instruction Program Evaluation Home Page
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Updated 5/23/17
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